UPDATE: This blog was started as a creative outlet and "alternative to Xanax" during my husband's year plus deployment as an officer on a MITT training the Iraqi Army. It was a very long year, indeed. And I was quite honest with my blog-readers - whether I was having a proud moment or a breakdown on any particular day. I soon found myself surrounded by a circle of readers-turned-cheerleaders who encouraged me along the way and I am thankful for these new blog-friends.
I am fortunate. In early November (06), my husband returned - alive and in one piece (read the Oct & Nov 06 archives). You can read about the journey by clicking on the "DeployedHusband" & "CallsFromJ" categories - they chronicle the deployment best.
Not wanting to exit this community of bloggers, both creative and military, I've decided to continue blogging our life. There's a lot yet to blog about - the crafty pursuits as well as the hectic-ness of trying to readjust to life as a couple while pursuing life past the Army (J plans to get out in the Spring).
So here I comfortably nest in the blogosphere - still titled "My Longest Year" because it seems appropriate - it is the year that marked my beginning here.
Welcome to my corner.