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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

  • Going Home
    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. J looks great! Of course E is adorable as ever. Have an awesome R&R together. All our love and support!
The Becks

Excellent news and thanks for sharing. Thank you for your sacrifice.

I am probably leaving (don't know for sure yet) my family for 14 months at the end of the summer and I can't imagine how hard it would be on my wife if our kids were still that small. Luckily they are older 9 and 14.

Oh my gosh, that picture of them kissing is going to go up at the 'Lode... that one picture says more than can be put into words about the sacrifices our men and women in uniform make on behalf of their countrymen and our allies every day.

I am so happy for all three of you that you have this time together again. Memorize every moment, sweetie. xoxoxo to you all. -- love, mom & dad

I'm so happy for you guys! This brought tears to my eyes and I remember Colton holding back after Daddy was gone for 5 months.

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