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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

  • Going Home
    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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I wanted to tell you congrats! I am so happy for you and J. Also, I wanted to share that I have been stalking for a year and I think I started reading somewhere shortly after he was deployed. At the time I was going through chemo treatments and really having a rough time. Now I am back in my college classes and after reading J was coming home I thought to myself "has it really been a year" and it has a rough year in completely different ways. December 16 will be a year since this whole journey started. I wanted to thank you for being so inspiring. There was many days when I would pray for you and J and it would take my mind off Chemo :) BTW GO Vols...

Enjoy today & just being together.

crystal i am SO HAPPY for you!!!!!!!!!! i've been checking for this post and i'm SO GLAD to see it tonight!!!!!!! have a wonderful day with your dh!!!!!!!!!! i wish so much happiness for your family!!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait to read that he is actually here and in your home and daily lives!!!!!! i'm so glad it's over for you!

I couldn't wait to check your site tonight to see if the news I was hoping for was coming true. I am so very proud to be friends with such dedicated and wonderful people. Prayer is such a powerful thing and J had so many people pulling for him and of course his beautiful family. I can't wait to talk to you once things get a little settled.
Love you all and GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

I remember that night before mine came home...I cleaned the house until about 3am...The adrenaline is sooo amazing. I am sure he is now home safe and sound. Your site really was an amazingly positive path through deployment. It is like a form of personal therapy to read it and I am sure also to write it.

God Bless and Thank you for your commitment to supporting him. :)

i am soooooo excited for you! what a wonderful day. i can't imagine the anxious joy you must be feeling.....
*eeeeek! how exciting!!!

Praise God for J's SAFE return!!!
I am proud as a peacock for you.
Baba would be proud too.
Love to all.

JOB WELL DONE, to you and to hubby! You two are what the military is really all about--the dogged determination, the grit, the willingness to sacrifice on behalf of others--and why those who have served in it before (during wartime and peacetime alike) take such pride in this unique community.

Having risked all, you can appreciate better than most wives the true value of a loving husband, and of being a faithful wife.

Not only that, but you have walked the challenging months of this last year by holding the hand of Jesus, and have allowed Him to redeem this time by making you a better person through it--and that is what living as a Christian is truly all about.

Your dad and I are so very proud of you, of J, and are relieved and thrilled to know you will all be reunited soon.


love always, and in all ways,
mom & dad

YAY!! I am soo excited for yall!!

Hooray!!! You must be sooo excited! I wouldn't be able to contain myself! Hooray! He's home!!

YAY! He's finally coming home!! So happy for you!!!
May this be THE most special day for you!!

Congratulations! You should be so proud of yourself. Enjoy your time being together as a family again!

I have lurked on your site for a while now. You have endured this deployment with such grace and fortitude. None of the public, teeth gnashing, woe is me posts. I'm sure you've had plenty of 'those days' but you held it in and your site is an inspiration for those who have been there and those who have it all to come.

Enjoy your homecoming, you deserve it.

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