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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

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    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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Thanks for the info. I had no idea the treasure I was letting Eve use for her play dough time. Fried cookies! Wow- that made my day :)


Andrea, I'm not positive from the picture but the molds look a lot like a rosette iron to make yummy Swedish cookies.

(To see a rosette iron, go to:

From yet another website comes this explanation: "Rosettes, the deep fried batter cookies, are produced with a rosette iron. The iron is preheated in hot oil, dipped in the cookie batter and plunged back into the oil until the cookies are golden."

That first weblink has all kinds of tips and info. Hope that helps!

Oh my goodness, we totally had those lights on our tree when I was growing up. My parents probably still have them! What a blast from the past.


I have those same molds that are in the sixth picture. I have no idea what they are to be used for. Could you let me know please? Thanks! Hope you are having a fun time in Tennessee.


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