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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

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    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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very interesting.
i'm adding in RSS Reader

Hi, I just found your site on Sunday. I love that you share you patterns. I fell in love with this half-apron, and made two already. I gave them as gifts this morning, but I thought they were so adorable that I had a hard time giving them away. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

Hi, I just found your site on Sunday. I love that you share you patterns. I fell in love with this half-apron, and made two already. I gave them as gifts this morning, but I thought they were so adorable that I had a hard time giving them away. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

I've never been able to follow sewing patterns and instructions before. I just made 2 aprons from with you helpful pictures, and I even added pockets!! Thanks so much!!

I actually made this apron yesterday when I was feeling sick and tired (literally!) I modified it to make it longer and added pockets to both sides. Thanks for such an easy tutorial! At least I accomplished something good while feeling under the weather.

Wonderful and informative web site.I used information from that site its great.o

Thanks - that was easy and looks great!

Oh I think I'll try to this for my mom for Christmas, true she doesn't use aprons but it's cute :3

great illustrations! thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the great tutorial. I made the ruffled version in about an hour; it's cute, soft and pretty! I really love it!

excellent texture.y

Big thanx to webmaster!e cool cool It's a bad link It's a bad link


hello!!! thank you for the tutorial...I am french and I love your aprons....


thank you for the tutorial...I'm french and I like your aprons....myriam It's a bad link

thanks for your tute and all the links! now im off to make myself a seamstress's craft apron!!

And another TOTALLY CUTE apron idea(I have been planning something like this for a bag, but hadn't thought about it as an apron - too cute):

Here's a vintage-inspired pattern I found:

Scroll down 2/3 of the page and look for "Happy Homemaker"

I know, I know, another apron post (love the violin concert, by the way, I was trying to convince my husband the other day that he should get me a violin and lessons for my birthday - maybe I'm a tad old).
Anyway, I found another link for you:

And it should mix your two hobbies - aprons and sewing!

Thanks for the apron swap link! I sent an email but it may be too late to join (cross your fingers).

A tut on the oven mitt--hm, I guess I can do that. By the way, it's Denise-Schmidt inspired.

Hey - I think this one is new. I'm not sure if she's still accepting people, but she has a lot of good links!

Oh - and what I'd really enjoy is a tute on the mitt!

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