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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

  • Going Home
    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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Thanks!! This would be a fun project for my daughter over spring break!!!

Thank you! What a great pattern :) I just made some for my 2.5 year old.

Never leave young children alone or allow them to play in damaged buildings or areas that might be unsafe.

That's a good information i like these types of information thank you sir.


nice pot holder thanks

I love my oven because I can bake all I want, My oven is very large, sometimes I can bake several recipes to the same time and it saves me time. Really helpful.

So nice to study your perfect weblog on the spare time. Your write-up brings me different type of feeling about the literature.

The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.Do you think so?

I am interested in a pattern for moppine hot pad.
thank you Shirley West

Thank you! What a great pattern :) I just made some for my 2.5 year old.

I love the booties "Strawberry Swirls", is there any way I might get the pattern for these? Thanks,Warddean

I don't know you - but your blog and love for craftiness is awesome! thank you for these tutorials! What a great idea! I'm looking forward to making an apron/oven mit set! Praying that Jesus continues to bless you and your sweet family :) ps - I see that you have a love for old things (like the dressers, couldn't agree more) I make mirrors out of old windows. I haven't gotten around to shipping them yet, but if you're ever in the Philadelphia area:

This is wonderful. As is the apron tutorial you have. Thank you!

This is great! I made one up yesterday evening.

Posted three photos up at Flickr , but here's one of them:

Thanks!! This would be a fun project for my daughter over spring break!!!

Love the easy soup recipie you mentioned on my blog! Cheesy and potatoes,mmmmm!! Trying it tonight. We have beautiful weather here today...Feels so good to have some sun.

Thank you so much! I'll get on it after we get back this weekend.

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