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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

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    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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Too cute to see "S" online! Thanks for taking the pics - it's obvious both E. and S. had a great time together! See you soon!


Unfortunately, the town I live in has a pretty small and old library. I voted for our new library last November, but it wasn't passed in our budget. Sometimes I take Leah to a newer library, one town over, just to sit a read for a while. It really is a wonderful place.

My gosh, does this post ever bring back memories of some very happy times... and the picture of our E. with baby S. ..... well, you KNOW that one filled my eyes with tears, remembering! Already she's beginning to take on the role of "Sissy" :)

((hugs)) ~ mom

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