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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

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    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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So why not make a holster? Seems that with all the totes you have made you could easily spare some interfacing and a half yard of fabric. If you want help drafting it out let me know (=

You crack me up. I love my labeler. Is it redundant to label your labeler? You'd think my house would be organized by now. I keep saying...almost there.

i definitely do this when i'm stressed. i also purge like a mad thing (stuff, not my belly). i go through the house and toss anything and everything i can. and then i re-organize it all, which drives my boyfriend crazy because then he can't find anything!

So stressed... and you still have a sense of humor :)
THIS is why I want you to write a book- you totally crack me up!
Label away my little friend...
Love ya-

Chuckling here too, as our Maggie had to "go out for a walk" after helping me sort and sift for the church sale. She caught me going through a bag at the door....and scolded me like she was my mom. Maybe I could get her a labelmaker.....first label would say- DO NOT OPEN....xoC

this is hilarious....but it would be mean of me to just laugh without revealing what i do when i'm super anxious and feeling out of control and that is to eat and eat and eat...and also to sit around and do no i do NOT label or organize- but my house (and possibly my body) would sure look better if i DID! :) thanks fore reminding us that everyone (even those with clean homes) feel anxious and out of control sometimes :) and i hope things get calmer for you soon.

this is hilarious....but it would be mean of me to just laugh without revealing what i do when i'm super anxious and feeling out of control and that is to eat and eat and eat...and also to sit around and do no i do NOT label or organize- but my house (and possibly my body) would sure look better if i DID! :) thanks fore reminding us that everyone (even those with clean homes) feel anxious and out of control sometimes :) and i hope things get calmer for you soon.

Every time I check your blog and see this post, I chuckle... remembering how one night we all went to bed with two total clutter-bum daughters with messy rooms, and woke up the next day (or so it seemed *s*) with one daughter who wanted to have her own professional organizing business and began de-cluttering her room---on her own initiative! That also happened to be your first year of high school, and you were feeling pretty overwhelmed by the huge "cattle yard" environment of the place. Interesting how labelling and organizing brings down your anxiety levels :)

This too shall pass, my little one ((hugs))

I label...

In fact, I am responsible for reorganizing (and labeling) the new supply closet at work...such a fun way to spend an afternoon. I am find myself organizing and reorganizing perfectly organized items when I feel 'out of control.' But, what exactly is 'in control' ? If you find out, please let me know :)

This has been my favorite post on your blog...I LOVE the first picture.

Hey, whatever works for you! It could be something much more nefarious to be sure. I did laugh at the t.v. remote though. The movers certainly won't have any trouble packing/labeling your belongings! :)


No u aren't the only one haha. I had a co-worker do the same kinda stuff she even puts her can goods in ABC order.

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