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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

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    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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I'm crying all the way from the top down to this post...thinking of you and all this topsy turvy change and remembrance. take care. xoC

Incredibly touching story. You've brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for sharing this. Hope things went well for you in NC.

Great story! I am so glad u hugged her I bet u helped her a little that day. Ya think u can come hug me when that day comes again? Ok I'll take a virtual hug, I guess.

Can't wait to hear about your house hunting adventure!

It could be the pregnancy hormones or it could just be that I know what it's like to sit there and sob while your husband does his best to hide his own tears, only to take off the sunglasses because they're dripping. Reading your story was so touching to me and of course, I cried. I'm lucky I had a few friends with me who were going through the same thing, I'm glad you were there to give some sort of solace to her pain. I'm sure your hug meant more to her than you'll ever know.

i have been surprised by my own reactions in similiar situations. my own short experience pales in comparison to some- but i got a taste and it was difficult. it allows me to empathize when someone says the word "deployment". all those emotions- loneliness, sadness, fear, anxiety....but mostly loneliness come flooding back. i always wish they didn't have to go thru all of it...and i feel overwhelming gratitude (and guilt) that i currently don't have to....very difficult to explain- but you know what i mean. i'm anxious to hear about your house hunting trip :)

that's such a beautiful, wonderful story. i think it's good for you both, and i'll be keeping her in my prayers, too.

At least you were there to comfort her. And in the military we aren't complete strangers, we are all bonded by living the very same life.

I hope that you enjoyed NC. Are you moving to RTP? I've spent many days in and around that area. I'm anxious to see how your house hunting went.

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