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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

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    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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lovely green...definitely not lime.

LOVE this color. I wear it and decorate with it.

Hi :) I linked you at my blog and I thought I'd just drop you a line.

i'm totally with you on the color name! lime? seriously. i know lime and that is not lime.
if you run across any cool knitting patterns for a baby blanket let me know. i find out what i'm having April 22 so i'll start then.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the blanket and the color. You comment on my knitting skilz, well you are one up on me with your crochet!

Is there a pattern for your little green lapghan??? Or a reference to the pattern??? I looked on the Lion Brand website, but didn't find it easily.

Do you cook as well as you do your website and everything in it?

You're inspirational. Keep up the great work!


I do love this color green - very cheery and spring-ish. It's a beautiful blanket! Someday E. will love it, I'm sure.


Actually, I think both you and Lion Brand Yarn are correct. And I only know this because we buy lots of actual limes :) Shades of green on limes range from the color of this new blanket (and in some cases even deeper) to the brighter lime of the 80s.

What a cheerful post on this day for fun! (Hey, if you're wanting an idea of something to make your mother some year... she looooooooves crocheted blankies *grin*)

with hugs to my first 'little leprechaun',

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