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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

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    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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you can also use the baby jars that you get from purchasing organic baby food. I have a huge stash of those, and I feel better keeping the food in glass containers, though those baby food ice trays look really good, too!

I have loved weaning my children and have done the own food thing myself everytime.
Like you I struggled to breast feed and for me I think thats why I out so much effort into the weaning and food making.
Its very satisfying to see your baby eat mush that you've made yourself.

Another good tip for freezing food is to use washed out yoghurt pots. Especially when they start having larger portions.

Holy Cow! You go girl! I am back at catching up with blogging...I've been out of computer land for a few day!

Wow! I think you deserve the title SUPER MOM! That is so great that you make their food. I tried a few times but was just to lazy and didn't have the processor.
I had the same thing happen with the breastfeeding thing too. My 1st was two weeks, the 2nd was three months and finally with the 3rd I went 18 months! I never dreamed I would go that long but he had his own plan.

I had a similar experience trying to nurse except it took me months to get over it. By the time my 2nd came along thankfully I had regained my composure and was ready (to not nurse in my case). The baby food tips are so great!

Oh, that's another way to make it, lol... I only freeze the whole thing in a small tupper ware and then I take it out when it's needed. My kids used to eat a whole bowl each one.
I have always noticed also that the more hot the vegetables are; the best they become a puree. That why I always make a soup like for me and when it's done I only put it in the food processor and that's it!
Oh my God, I don't even know why I am telling you all this, lol... Forgive me! I just love d that part of the feeding process, lol... (I never could breast feeding my babies so maybe I have this trauma, lol...)

I hardly know anyone who makes homemade baby food! Yay to hear that you do the same :-) My second loves the homemade baby food! I'm experimenting with every thing and love that a little prep goes a long way!

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