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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

  • Going Home
    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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You needed reassurance that you are successfully raising a strong and independent young lady? I think you just got it! Good for both of you.

Fine ending. These things do have a way of working our and our kids are so very resiliant and forgiving. Aren't we fortunate?

We know whose daughter she is :) She's a great little girl and she's going to grow up to be an awesome woman :)


I'm glad she got her confidence back!

I hope my future kids are just as proud of their Daddy and take their toy cop cars to show n tell!

I'm so glad--glad show'n'tell went well, glad E is feeling better about her camera again, and glad you're transmitting your pride in J and his service to E.

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