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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

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    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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We love both of Elizabeth Mitchell's cds and by we, I mean the grown-ups and kiddos. Thanks for the BNL idea!

Our absolute favorite right now is Dog Train, written by Sandra Boynton and performed by various rock groups. Dan Zane's Catch That Train is also pretty awesome.

we have the barenaked ladies and all the liz mitchell CD's and we love them. It is wonderful when you can sing along with your kids music and not want to scream when it is over. :o) you should check out the other Liz Mitchell cd's as well as a few Lisa Loeb kids cd's(Catch the moon, and camp lisa)...we love them

the snacktime cd has been in heavy rotation since our last family roadtrip!

You should check out They might be giants. They have some really good kid CDs.

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