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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

  • Going Home
    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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Wow, Crystal, thanks for mentioning Cozi as way to keep track of family doings. Looking at your amazing blog - and beautiful photography - I'm betting it will turn out to be a gorgeous record of all your amazing moments. Please do keep us posted!
Carol from
[email protected]

Stumbled onto your site from your belt tutorial but I am hooked! Military wife and crafter here, too!

Just wanted to say what a blessing it was to "bump" into your blog while looking for some patterns. You are amazing!

I am so happy for you!! I want a baby so bad... been praying and praying... :) I look forward to seeing how gorgeous your next bundle of joy will be... you sure have a beautiful family. God Bless you and may you have a healthy pregnancy :)

Wait, you're pregnant!?!? Since when!

Also change that you are pregnant to were. I didn't proof my comment and the grammar is horrid! haha best of luck to you!

When are you due? I so didn't know you are pregnant! Congrats!

Pregnant?!?!?! Didn't know that! Eric is trying to convince me to a third as well. I haven't given in quite yet. The thought is quite overwhelming!

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