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The Story: Why it's called "My Longest Year"


His Longest Year

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    A few pictures from J.'s Longest Year...

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These words made me cry. I am getting ready to have our third and surprise baby in December, and I spend a lot of time stressing over how on earth I am going to be able to handle another child. My son turned 2 in August, and my Daughter turned 1 earlier this month, so my stress is more in having them SO CLOSE together. There is a lot that I am praying to God about for this child, and hearing how He has so graciously answered your prayers gives me encouragement!

I am so glad that you cried out to God. He is there for us if we only would call upon Him. I raised 4 sons and my last was a daughter. My 2nd son was only 6 WKS Old when I got pregnant again. And when he was born he slept all day and was up at night. He had his days & nites reversed. It was so hard but all I could do is to pray and ask the Lord for His help and strength to raise 4 boys. They are now in their 50's and I am still here
God is faithful.

I don't know you, and was told about your blog by a friend. I read this post and almost felt like I was reading my own journal! My baby did not, and continues to not sleep at night (he's over 18 months old). We did the no nap thing for a long time too. You truly can only understand how difficult that is to deal with when you have been through it. I love that you recognized God's tender mercies in your life, and you have reminded me to continue to recognize His hand in mine!

So glad this is all working out. Three kids is not easy, and if your third is a good sleeper, it certainly does help. A beautiful photo too, just gorgeous.

He is so handsome. I am glad he sleeps good for you. I enjoyed your birth announcement and have shown it to the girsl I work with. Your family is beautiful. I enjoy your web site so much. The girls will be such help to you. Hope to see you in Tennessee sometime.

If it's important to you, it's important to Him. It is easy for me to forget that sometimes.

Oh I'm with you honey. I find sanctuary in Stinka's nap ques. Not that she sleeps for 2 hours but the 15 minutes that I get to put her down without fear of her putting anything in her mouth or destroying the big kid's prized posessions is EXACTLY what keep me from going over the edge some days.

You are not the only one who has prayed for a sleeping baby. My first was a terrible sleeper, and when she did go to sleep, it was only after I had rocked her for at least an hour. I became pregnant when she was 6 WEEKS OLD!! So when I would rock her, I would pray "please God, please let the new baby sleep without rocking." And do you know, the new baby was the best little sleeper. I could even put her in her crib awake and she would put herself to sleep. She truly was an answer to prayers. She is 22 now, newly commissioned in the Army and on her way to her first duty station. Best of luck to you.

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