Thanksgiving Day dawned a nasty gray in our area. It was windy, cold, and rainy. Growing up in New England this was nothing new, but here in the southern states it is usually sunny and to me unseasonably warm.
After sitting around the breakfast table with H's family for a good portion of the morning, I had been up with T.D. since the birds peeped their eyes open, I couldn't sit and let my breakfast burrito turn to a rock in my stomach. I had a whole day of eating ahead of me. I felt like a doughnut. I needed movement. When the collective group still in their pj's declared, it was naptime I almost screamed. NAP TIME? NAPTIME? It's 10:30 people! I can't nap if I'm going to be eating all day in this overheated, full of people house! I need to move! I looked at H and said, "I'm going for a run.” My MIL said with wonder, "But it's rainy and cold out there.” H unsurprised just asked, "Did you bring cold weather stuff?” Oh yes I did. I had checked the weather and knew that at some point a run/solitude would be necessary. I didn't think it would be a mere 12 hours after our arrival but I needed that run. I didn't care if there was ice on the ground I was getting out there.