***ETA: ack! I can't believe I forgot a couple of other blogs you might enjoy. So I'll put them here at the top. Someone here mentioned one of them already: SewTakeaHike. Two of my favorite finished projects of hers: this "fruit salad quilt" that makes me envious and gives me hope at the same time (she made it on her first quilting try, people). I also love her crazy-beautiful, my-favorite-colors crocheted market tote.
Another good one: Post Tenebras Lux (after darkness, light). For those of you who have been reading me since the early days, you'll appreciate this woman's journey through another Iraq deployment. All at once fascinating and almost painful for me (you know, the remembering. I forget sometimes how hard it all was).***
Don't you love the rabbit trails you end up on when blog-surfing? You start one place, then click on a link to another, and another, and before you know it you've discovered thirty-two favorite new blogs, etsy shops, and contests while your kid has stuck her finger in the socket.
Anyway, a little while ago, Agnes of Knitting in the Valley gave me an "I Love Your Blog" award (thank you, Agnes). How timely, since I've been wanting to point out some of you whose blogs I am tickled, fascinated, and inspired by:
First up: Cake Wrecks. I was turned on to this by my blog-friend Karen (who, by the way, I have met in person, and even stranger still, whose husband now works with mine in the Guard - but that's for a later post). Here is an example of why I love this blog (to really appreciate how fantastically awful this cake is you have to see what it was supposed to look like):
And along those lines: It's Lovely! I'll Take It! Basically, it's the best of the worst in real estate listings:
And this lady who works magic with ribbon and fabric and color selection. She had me at "Burlap Summer Bag". Pretty With Ribbons, I love your blog.
I've been following Julie at Jane's Apron for a while now. I love how she uses old patterns to alter clipboards and lunchboxes and train cases..and she's even kind enough to tell us how.
And then there's House Wren Studio:
I've been following Miss Charlotte (who hates it when I call her that) since almost the beginning. I stumbled on Mo's tagbook and was hooked. Her blog is full of tea cozies and mice, and sentiment and heart. That's a lot of "ands," isn't it? Oh, and her three girls. I love that she reflects on her girls; it always gives me pause to reflect the present dailyness with my own girls. Perhaps one of my favorite posts is this ode to her firefighting daughter. Another close favorite was this one from Mothers Day. Awesome. Miss Charlotte, er, Ms. Lyons...okay, oKAY, Charlotte, I love your blog.
There are others worth mentioning, but I didn't get to ask for their pictures.
Andrea of Sgt and Mrs Hub...another longtime blog buddy and someone I've actually spoken with on the phone. It's kind of hard to believe, sometimes, exactly how far back (in blog years) I go with some of you. Andrea has fire-engine bright hair. That I adore. She also wears three kiddos, and blogs with their pictures just as much as I do. We were pregnant at the same time, and suffered some of the same post-pregnancy woes. She's also a hobby photographer and I love seeing the subjects she picks. Stop over. She's such a sweet spirit; she'd love for you to visit over your morning coffee.
And if you haven't heard of her yet, go take a peek at Grosgrain. A woman who designs and makes incredibly creative, precious outfits for her toddler, and then (deep breath) gives them away. One of my favorites is recent - this nostalgic nightgown.
So, how about your favorite blogs? Hm? I'm always looking for new places to visit and since you're here, you obviously have good taste. I'd love to know your recent faves.